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Home > Categories  > advertising- ads- health and beauty, (452)
1942  Ipana Toothpaste   magazine   ad ( # 899) 1942 Ipana Toothpaste magazine ad ( # 899)

Price: $9.90
1942  Avon cosmetics    magazine      ad ( # 1953) 1942 Avon cosmetics magazine ad ( # 1953)

Price: $9.90
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Oct. 16, 1970 Avon's all man Christmas gifts   magazine   ad (#535)
Oct. 16, 1970 Avon's all man Christmas gifts magazine ad (#535)
Feb. 1948  Jergens Lotion  magazine   ad  (#762)
Feb. 1948 Jergens Lotion magazine ad (#762)
Jan. 1948  Palmolive Soap magazine    ad  (# 2251)
Jan. 1948 Palmolive Soap magazine ad (# 2251)
Jan. 1948  Ivory Soap  magazine    ad (# 5688)
Jan. 1948 Ivory Soap magazine ad (# 5688)
Jan. 1948      Woodbury Facial Soap  magazine    ad (#  5074)
Jan. 1948 Woodbury Facial Soap magazine ad (# 5074)
Feb. 1948   Ipana Tooth Paste   magazine     ad (# 525)
Feb. 1948 Ipana Tooth Paste magazine ad (# 525)
Feb. 1948   Listerine Antiseptic   magazine    ad (# 5260)
Feb. 1948 Listerine Antiseptic magazine ad (# 5260)
Feb. 1948    Colgate Ribbon Dental Cream      magazine        ad  (# 6660)
Feb. 1948 Colgate Ribbon Dental Cream magazine ad (# 6660)
Feb. 1948  Pepsodent Tooth Paste    magazine      ad  (# 6653)
Feb. 1948 Pepsodent Tooth Paste magazine ad (# 6653)
Jan. 5, 1948 Pacquins hand Cream    magazine        ad (# 5457)
Jan. 5, 1948 Pacquins hand Cream magazine ad (# 5457)
Dec. 13, 1968   Burley Old Spice Gift sets  magazine ad (# 885)
Dec. 13, 1968 Burley Old Spice Gift sets magazine ad (# 885)
Dec. 13, 1968     Hai Karate Gift Set  magazine     ad (# 5158)
Dec. 13, 1968 Hai Karate Gift Set magazine ad (# 5158)
Dec. 13, 1968    Kindness Instant Hairsetter from Clairol    magazine  ad (# 4969)
Dec. 13, 1968 Kindness Instant Hairsetter from Clairol magazine ad (# 4969)
Dec. 13, 1968   Numero Uno scents  magazine   ad (# 4849)
Dec. 13, 1968 Numero Uno scents magazine ad (# 4849)
Jan. 20, 1941  Pepsodent Tooth Paste magazine  ad (# 3944)
Jan. 20, 1941 Pepsodent Tooth Paste magazine ad (# 3944)
March . 24, 1941    Williams Luxury shaving Cream   magazine    ad (# 3912)
March . 24, 1941 Williams Luxury shaving Cream magazine ad (# 3912)
Aug. 18, 1941   Listerine     magazine  ad (# 3899)
Aug. 18, 1941 Listerine magazine ad (# 3899)
Oct. 1969  Avon cosmetics  magazine      ad (# 3814)
Oct. 1969 Avon cosmetics magazine ad (# 3814)
Feb. 1969 Avon cosmetics    magazine      ad (# 3805)
Feb. 1969 Avon cosmetics magazine ad (# 3805)
Aug. 1969  Kindness 24 hairsetter from Clairol    magazine        ad (# 3791)
Aug. 1969 Kindness 24 hairsetter from Clairol magazine ad (# 3791)
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